Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 4 hours
This Kantata SX Reporting Foundations course is aimed at users who are new to Kantata SX Reporting, and are responsible for writing or editing reports.
The modules in this series are designed to introduce Kantata’s reporting capabilities that you utilize to answer your business’s questions. The course will cover the reporting options that are available out of the box, as well as basic to intermediate customization techniques to extend your own custom reports.
With a better understanding of the Kantata Data Model and using the range of reporting features, you can gain valuable insights from Kantata in an efficient and productive way.
In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes hands-on labs and activities. Please note that it is recommended that you complete all lab activities from a sandbox environment to ensure you do not impact any information that may be on your organizational Kantata account.
After completing this course you'll be able to:
- Understand what the Reporting & Dashboard features are
- Understand what ‘Out of the Box’ reporting content is available
- Use and build Reports and Dashboards using basic to intermediate techniques
- Understand the core Kantata Data Model and how data links together
- Extend the reporting solution to include your own custom content
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Reporting
Chapter 2: Consuming Reports
Chapter 3: Out of the Box Reports
Chapter 4: Editing Existing Reports
Chapter 5: Creating New Reports
Chapter 6: Report Formats
Chapter 7: Formatting Techniques
Chapter 8: Currencies
Chapter 9: Dashboards
Chapter 10: Introduction to Performance Analysis
Course Completion
Course Overview & Learning Goals Module 1: Introduction Interacting With Your Course Lab: Requesting Your Training Environment Reading: Introduction to Kantata Reporting Reference: Essential Concepts / Key Terms Reading: Kantata Reporting Framework Knowledge Check: Reports & Report Types -
Module 2: Consuming Reports Reading: Navigating Reports Demo: Searching for Reports Demo: Running Reports Reading: Customize While Running the Report Demo: Edit the Filters Lab: Running & Customizing a Report Knowledge Check: Consuming Reports -
Module 3: Out of the Box Reports Reading: Introduction to OOTB Reports Reading: Sales Reading: Resourcing Reading: Delivery Knowledge Check: OOTB Reports Part 1 Reading: Time & Expenses Reading: Operations Reading: Finance Knowledge Check: OOTB Reports Part 2 -
Module 4: Editing Existing Reports Reading: Introduction to the Report Builder Reading: Saving a New Copy Demo: Editing the Report Filters & Fields Lab: Editing a Report Knowledge Check: Editing Existing Reports -
Module 5: Creating New Reports Reading: Selecting the Right Report Type Demo: Create a New Report Demo: Adding Additional Fields and Filters Demo: Updating Filters Demo: Using "Filter Logic" for Combination Filters Demo: Field to Field Filters Lab: Selecting a Report and Filtering Your Data -
Module 6: Report Formats Reading: Report Formats Demo: Create a Summary Report Demo: Modify a Summary Report Demo: Create a Matrix Report Reading: When to Use Each Format Demo: Group by Time Periods Demo: Adding Charts to Reports Lab: Formatting a Report Knowledge Check: Report Formats -
Module 7: Formatting Techniques Demo: Adding Conditional Formatting Reading: Sorting, Grouping, or Filtering Records with Buckets Demo: Add a Bucket Column Reading: Understanding Formulas Demo: Creating Summary Formulas Demo: Creating a Row-Level Formula Lab: Adding Formulas to a Report Demo: Handling a Divide by Zero Error Knowledge Check: Formatting Techniques -
Module 8: Currencies Reading: Understanding Currency Fields Reading: Multicurrency Objects Knowledge Check: Currencies -
Module 9: Dashboards Reading: Introduction to Dashboards Demo: Creating Dashboards Demo: Adding a Dashboard Filter Lab: Adding a Report to a Dashboard -
Module 10: Introduction to Performance Analysis Reading: Introduction to Performance Analysis Reading: Performance Analysis Structure Reading: Performance Analysis Facts Demo: Performance Analysis Report - Updating Facts Reading: Performance Analysis Dimensions Demo: Performance Analysis Report - Updating Dimensions Reading: Performance Analysis Fields Demo: Performance Analysis Fields Reading: Time Periods Knowledge Check: Performance Analysis -
Knowledge Check: Reporting Foundations Summary Survey: Course Feedback