Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
As an Account Administrator, you’ll have the permission and responsibility to manage General Account Settings and customizations for your organization. This course will cover how to configure your organization's Kantata account, including managing account settings, configuring financial, security and reporting settings, and customizing your account’s branding, task statuses, custom forms, and more.
In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes hands-on labs and activities. Please note that it is recommended that you either complete the labs from a demo account or make sure to remove any data or information from the labs that may impact your organizational account.
In this course you will learn how to:
- Configure general account settings
- Manage time and expense settings to support your labor and financial data needs
- Align resource management settings to your organizational processes
- View and export account activity and data
- Customize account branding, Custom Fields, and Forms
Course curriculum
General Account Configuration
Financial, Security, and Insights Reporting Settings
Account Customization Options
Course Overview & Learning Goals Interacting With Your Course Module 1: Overview and Resources Scenario: Account Configuration Demo: Operations Management Reading: General Settings Demo: Overview of General Settings Reading: Time & Expense Settings Demo: Overview of Time & Expense Settings Reading: Resource Management Settings Demo: Enabling Resource Requests, Naming Request Approvers, & Granting Permissions to Resource Requesters Activity: Stay Connected on the Kantata Community Knowledge Check: General Account Configuration -
Module 2: Overview and Resources Reading: Invoice Settings Demo: Customizing Invoices Reading: Foreign Exchange Settings Reading: Project Accounting Settings Reading: QuickBooks Settings Reading: Insights Settings Reading: Security Settings Reading: API Overview Reading: Data Exporter Activity: Data Exporter Reading: Early Access Settings Reading: Recent History and Project History Demo: Overview of Recent and Project History Knowledge Check: Financial, Security, and Insights Reporting Settings -
Module 3: Overview and Resources Reading: Custom Branding Demo: Branding Customization Reading: Introduction to Custom Fields Demo: Overview of Custom Fields Reading: Forms Demo: Creating Forms for Project Intake Demo: Configuring Project Statuses Reading: Task Status Sets and Custom Task Statuses Activity: Task Status Sets and Custom Task Statuses Reading: Configuring Slack Notifications Knowledge Check: Account Customization Options Survey: Course Feedback Reading: Course Completion
Course Pricing
Purchase this training course and start learning today! Please contact your Client Success Manager to purchase multiple passes for your organization.