Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Do your projects have a repeatable process with standardized offerings or deliverables? Whether you’re providing consulting services or developing a product, you can use templates in Kantata to automate your process and get your teams set up faster. This course will cover the process of creating a new template, including building a reusable work breakdown structure in Task Tracker, how to manage and maintain templates efficiently, and leveraging role-based planning.
In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes hands-on labs and activities. Please note that it is recommended that you either complete the labs from a demo account or make sure to delete any information that may be on your organizational account.
Course curriculum
Course Introduction
Introduction to Project Templates
Leveraging Project Templates
Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure in the Task Tracker
Course Overview & Learning Goals Interacting With Your Course Meet the Team -
Module 1: Introduction to Project Templates Scenario: Project Setup Process and the Benefits of Project Templates Reading: Project Templates Overview Reading: Configuring Reusable Templates Activity: Building Project Templates Demo: Task Estimated Hours Knowledge Check: Understanding Project Templates -
Module 2: Leveraging Project Templates Scenario: Project Templates Reading: Import a Template from CSV Reading: Create a Template from a Project Reading: Creating a New Template from Scratch Reading: Role-Based Planning with Project Templates Reading: Create a Project from a Template Reading: Applying a Template to a Project Activity: Applying a Template to an Existing Project Reading: Share a Template Reading: Clone a Template Lab: Build a Project Template Knowledge Check: Leveraging Project Templates -
Module 3: Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure in the Task Tracker Scenario: Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure Reading: Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure in the Task Tracker Activity: Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure in Task Tracker Reading: Milestone Weighting in the Task Tracker Reading: Creating Dependencies & Cascading Changes in the Task Tracker Reading: Bulk Actions in the Task Tracker Activity: Bulk Actions in the Task Tracker Reading: Overview of the Task Side Panel Activity: Connect with the Kantata Community Knowledge Check: Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure in the Task Tracker Reading: Course Completion Survey: Course Feedback
Course Pricing
Purchase this training course and start learning today! Please contact your Customer Success Manager to purchase multiple passes for your organization.