What We'll Cover

  • Introduction to Custom Fields

    Get started with an introduction to Custom Fields, and explore what types align with your organizational goals.

  • Common Use Case Scenarios: Projects & Tasks

    Learn about common use cases and how to set up Project and Task level Custom Fields.

  • Common Use Cases: Users & Groups

    Learn about common use cases and set up of User and Group level Custom Fields, and explore how Custom Fields can be leveraged in resource management processes.

Course Description

Expected Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Aligning your organization’s use of Kantata with your business processes will ensure that you always have the data and information you need. With Custom Fields, you can create additional value fields for projects, tasks, and account members to keep better track of client or project codes, contact information, employee IDs, target ROIs, or any other relevant data that might be important to your organization. This course will cover how to analyze your process to identify your needs and create Custom Fields to help you align your use of Kantata to your business processes and workflows.

In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes hands-on labs and activities. Please note that it is recommended that you either complete the labs from a demo account or make sure to remove any data or information from the labs that may impact your organizational account.

In this course you will learn how to:

  • Reflect on your organization’s needs for Custom Fields
  • Analyze scenarios to identify which type of Custom Fields need to be created
  • Create custom fields for projects, tasks, users and groups
  • Leverage Custom Fields for resource management

Course curriculum

Course Pricing

Purchase this training course and start learning today! Please contact your Client Success Manager to purchase multiple passes for your organization.