Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Accurate and timely approvals are essential to a project’s success. This allows Project Managers to ensure that the project stays on both schedule and budget while tracking critical data that can help improve future projects.
The Kantata SX Approval Management course focuses on providing a solid foundation for the approval process and best practices for managing approval requests.
In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes knowledge check questions and activities.
Course curriculum
Module 1: Introduction to Approvals
Module 2: How to Approve
Module 3: Supporting the Approval Process
Course Overview & Learning Goals Interacting With Your Course Scenario: Meet the Team Module 1: Introduction to Approvals Scenario: Introduction to Approvals Reading: Approvals Key Concepts & Overview Reading: Approvals Overview Demo: Changing Approval Rules Knowledge Check: Introduction to Approvals -
Module 2: How to Approve Scenario: How to Approve Demo: Pending Approvals Reading: Identifying and Processing Approvals Activity: Identify an Approval Reading: Approval Methods and Navigation Knowledge Check: How to Approve -
Module 3: Supporting the Approval Process Scenario: Supporting the Approval Process Reading: Revert Permissions Reading: Reporting Activity: The Approval Process Knowledge Check: Supporting the Approval Process Survey: Course Feedback Course Completion