Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Keeping updated on all financial aspects of an Engagement is crucial to sound project delivery.
In this course, you will learn how to use the invoicing wizard to generate and format Invoices (singularly or in bulk), and understand Account settings that help you expedite the invoicing process.
You will also explore how to govern invoicing by setting Budgets, Caps, and utilizing Purchase Orders.
Finally, you will learn how to make corrections to Invoices and related adjustments to your project’s revenue position.
In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes knowledge check questions, labs, and activities.
Course curriculum
Course Introduction
Module 1: Invoice Settings and Approaches
Module 2: Working Within Agreed Budgets
Module 3: Making Corrections to Invoiced and Recognized Amounts
Course Overview & Learning Goals Interacting With Your Course Scenario: Meet the Team -
Module 1: Introduction to Invoice Settings and Formats Reading: Key Concepts for Invoice Settings Scenario: Introduction to Invoicing Reading: Introduction to the Invoicing Process Reading: Invoicing Wizard Demo: Invoicing Wizard Reading: Account Invoicing Information Activity: Invoicing Information on an Account Reading: Formatting Invoices Demo: Editing Invoice Lines Reading: Invoice Rounding Rules Reading: Batch Invoicing Demo: Batch Invoicing Knowledge Check: Introduction to Invoice Settings and Formats -
Module 2: Working within Agreed Budgets Scenario: Working Within Agreed Budgets Reading: Introduction to Purchase Orders Activity: Setting a Purchase Order Rule Reading: Creating and Allocating Purchase Order Cover Demo: Allocating Purchase Order Cover Scenario: Budgets and Caps Reading: Introduction to Budgets Activity: Setting a Budget Using Caps Reading: Managing Budgets Reading: Summary of Caps Reading: Benefits of Purchase Orders and Budgets Knowledge Check: Working Within Agreed Budgets -
Module 3: Making Corrections to Invoiced and Recognized Amounts Scenario: Introduction to Making Corrections Reading: Reverting to Draft Reading: Credit Notes Activity: Crediting an Invoice Reading: Revenue Adjustments Demo: Creating a Revenue Item Adjustment Activity: Creating a Revenue Item Adjustment Demo: Creating a Delivery Element Revenue Adjustment Reading: Engagement Invoicing Summary Knowledge Check: Making Corrections to Invoiced and Recognised Amounts Survey: Course Feedback Course Completion