Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Introduction to Revenue Recognition is focused on outlining the most common Revenue Recognition Models in Kantata.
In this course, we will review key concepts related to forecast and actual revenue in Kantata and how revenue is reported.
In addition, we will review each of the models in turn to explore the impact of over and under recognition and how to make adjustments to the revenue position.
Course curriculum
Course Introduction
Module 1: Introduction to Revenue Recognition and T&E Models
Module 2: Understanding Fixed Price & Annuity Models
Module 3: Project Forecast Revision and Revenue Adjustment Impact on Recognition
Course Overview & Learning Goals Interacting With Your Course Scenario: Meet the Team -
Module 1: Introduction to Revenue Recognition and T&E Models Reading: Key Concepts Scenario: Introduction to Revenue Recognition Reading: Introduction to Revenue Recognition Reading: Product Domains & Products Reading: Revenue Forecast vs. Recognition Reading: Time and Expense Models Reading: Billable Effort Expended Model Demo: Revenue Recognition: Billable Effort Expended (Time & Expense) Reading: Billable Effort Expended Model (Continued) Activity: Quick Navigation to Review Revenue and Cost Knowledge Check: Introduction to Revenue Recognition Reading: Expenses Recognition Reading: Capped Billable Effort Expended Model Knowledge Check: Expenses and Caps -
Module 2: Understanding Fixed Price and Annuity Models Scenario: Fixed Price Models Reading: Per Milestone Model Demo: Revenue Recognition: Per Milestone (Fixed Price) Reading: Recognition Milestones Model Demo: Revenue Recognition: Recognition Milestones (Fixed Price) Knowledge Check: Revenue Milestones and Recognition Milestones Reading: Fixed Price Percent Complete Models Reading: Effort Percent Complete Model Demo: Revenue Recognition: Effort Percent Complete (Fixed Price) Activity: Reforecasting When More Hours Are Booked Upfront Reading: Cost Percent Complete Model Demo: Revenue Recognition: Cost Percent Complete (Fixed Price) Reading: Cost Percent Complete with Expenses Model Reading: Fixed Price Summary Knowledge Check: Percent Complete Models Reading: Annuity Models Reading: Per Period Model Demo: Revenue Recognition: Per Period (Annuity) Reading: Per Period Model: Annuity Periods Reading: Effort Percent Complete with Annuity Knowledge Check: Annuity Models -
Module 3: Project Forecast Revision and Revenue Adjustment Impact on Recognition Scenario: Revising Project Forecasts & Impact on Revenue Recognition Reading: Adding Forecasted Effort Activity: Additional Hours Impact on Revenue Recognition Reading: Removing Forecasted Effort Activity: Early Termination Impact on Revenue Recognition Reading: Adding or Removing Hours in a Closed Period Reading: Revenue Adjustments Reading: Revenue Recognition Reporting Reading: Revenue Recognition Summary Knowledge Check: Forecast Revision and Revenue Adjustment Impact on Recognition Course Conclusion Survey: Course Feedback