What We'll Cover

  • Introduction to Time Entry

    Learn about the importance of accurate time within your organization and how to view your Time Entry records for each Tracking Period

  • Entering and Submitting Time

    Learn how to properly enter and submit your time records each week

  • Entering Forecast Time

    Learn about Forecast Time and how you can support other areas of the business by keeping an accurate schedule

Course Description

Expected Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Accurate timekeeping is a critical area of every organization. With it, resources can move faster between projects, customers have realistic timelines, and billing is completed more efficiently, providing the organization with better cash flow. 

The Kantata SX Time Entry course focuses on providing a solid foundation for accurately recording your time in Kantata and how your time entry records impact other areas of the business.


In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes knowledge check questions and activities. 

Course curriculum