What We'll Cover

  • Introduction to Kantata OX

    Get started with basic navigation, features, and platform functionality. Learn about the support resources available to you as a Kantata account member.

  • Customizing Your User Experience

    Customize your experience on Kantata, from how often you want to receive communication to how you want to view projects and tasks. Learn how your permissions impact your user experience.

  • Project Collaboration and Time & Expense Tracking

    Identify functionality to manage your work in Kantata - from communicating and collaborating with your team to tracking your time and expenses.

Course Description

Expected Duration: Approximately 2 hours

The Kantata OX Fundamentals course is intended to introduce you to Kantata, define key terms and concepts, enable you to configure your individual user experience, and show you how to complete essential tasks in the system including collaborating with others and tracking your time and expenses.

In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes hands-on labs and activities. Please note that it is recommended that you either complete the labs from a demo account or make sure to delete any information that may be on your organizational Kantata account.

Course curriculum