Course Description
Expected Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Congratulations on getting your project started! Now it’s time to track your team’s progress and report back to your stakeholders. In this course we will cover how to manage your project workspace, how to make adjustments to the project plan, and how to update the team's schedules accordingly. We will also review how to monitor the progress of your project, and best practices in completing and archiving projects.
In addition to the readings, resources, and demo videos, this course also includes hands-on labs and activities. Please note that it is recommended that you either complete the labs from a demo account or make sure to delete any information that may be on your organizational account.
Learning Goals
In this course you will learn how to:
Update project settings, permissions, and rates and roles
Manage the progress of your project and maintain the project workspace
Monitor budget burn and estimate at completion of your project
Adjust project and resource schedules
Submit project health reports
Course curriculum
Course Introduction
Project Workspace Overview & Settings
Project Workspace Management
Project Resourcing and Performance Management
Project Reporting and Completion
Course Overview & Learning Goals Interacting With Your Course Scenario: Meet the Team! -
Module 1: Overview and Resources Scenario: Introduction to the Project Workspace Reading: Key Concepts and Terms Reading: Project Workspace Overview Demo: Project Workspace Overview Reading: Project Actions Reading: Project Settings Reading: Task Status Sets and Custom Task Statuses Activity: Task Status Sets and Custom Task Statuses Reading: Project Rates & Roles Reading: Project Permissions Activity: Overview of Permissions in Kantata OX Reading: Project Custom Fields Reading: Project History Demo: Overview of Recent & Project History Reading: Project Stages Reading: Project Side Panel Demo: Overview of the Project Side Panel Reading: Project Files Knowledge Check: Project Workspace Overview & Settings -
Module 2: Overview and Resources Scenario: Managing Project Updates Reading: Project Overview Tab Reading: Activity Tab Reading: Project Admin Box Reading: Task Tracker Activity: Refining Your Work Breakdown Structure in the Task Tracker Activity: Bulk Actions in the Task Tracker Demo: Creating and Sharing a Saved View in the Task Tracker Reading: Overview of the Task Side Panel Reading: Gantt Chart Reading: Boards and To Dos Activity: Managing Your Workflow with Boards and To Dos Reading: Time & Expense Reading: Expense Budgets Knowledge Check: Project Workspace Management -
Module 3: Overview and Resources Scenario: Project Resourcing Reading: Resourcing in the Project Workspace Activity: Resourcing in the Project Workspace Reading: Performance Indicators Activity: Updating Resource Scheduled Hours Reading: Overview of Kantata Pulse Activity: Overview of Kantata Pulse Demo: Monitoring Budget Burn and EAC Demo: Tracking Project Financial Performance Activity: Stay Connected on the Kantata Community Knowledge Check: Project Resourcing and Performance Management -
Module 4: Overview and Resources Scenario: Project Reporting Reading: Project Snapshots Activity: Capturing Project Snapshots Reading: Project Health Reporting Demo: Overview of Project Health Reports Demo: Project Health Reporting in Insights Demo: Project Performance Analytics Reporting Activity: Embedding Dashboards Reading: Archiving and Deleting Projects Activity: Archiving a Project Lab: Submit a Project Health Report Knowledge Check: Project Reporting and Completion Survey: Course Feedback Reading: Course Conclusion
Course Pricing
Purchase this training course and start learning today! Please contact your Client Success Manager to purchase multiple passes for your organization.